Sunday, March 29, 2009

Starting My Seeds

I am so excited about my garden this year- um can you tell? These are my seeds that my husband and I started on Wednesday night. We had our last frost this week already, so I am hoping I have time to let them sprout, and then bring them outside to get used to the weather.

The largest tray is filled with tomatoes, the other two are multi-colored peppers, and watermelon. I plan to have a huge garden this year and I wanted a lot of tomatoes so that I could make and can bruschetta, tomato sauce and I even found a great recipe for homemade ketchup that I would love to try. I told my husband I wanted a 30' by 30' gardn but we will see. My main plan is to be able to grow vegetables that I can freeze for use all year but we will have many we can only during the growing season. How is your gardening/garden planning going? Leave a comment and let us know!
I am trying to figure out how to publish the links so I can see your pictures and your blogs!!!


  1. I have our radishes and peas planted, I still want to do broccoli and cauliflower but have to wait for everything else until end of May. Late Spring in Utah (as it is snowing) makes us have some time still. :)

  2. Yes, here in the Northeast it's not much better. There are still some stubborn snowbanks that refuse to melt from my yard. Finally, Finally, it's almost gone!
